We live, guide and take photographs more than 15 years in Latin America & at selected mammal-rich Worldwide destinations. During the years we have accumulated a vaste knowledge regarding where to go if you want to have a good chance to take excellent photos of a wide variety of mammal species.
Our amazing Pantanal Brazil Mammal Tour offers the best Jaguar watching and photographing experience with a unique itinerary, different from what other companies offer. Beside Jaguars we have excellent photographic possibilities of Giant River Otters, Giant Anteaters, Capibaras, Coatis, Crab-eating Foxes and many more. We look for very localized Marsh Deer and endemic Chacoan Titi Monkey,
Costa Rica alone boasts with more than 240 mammal species. Several of them relatively easy to photograph such as Coati, Agouti, White-collared Peccari, White-tailed Deer, White-faced Capuchin Monkey, Mantled Howler Monkey, Three-toed Sloth or different species of Squirrels. Others like Tayra, Northern Ant-eater, Baird's Tapir or any of the wildcat species like Jaguar, Ocelot, Puma, Jaguarundi or Margay needs a specific location, lot of research and even more luck. We also can organize Whale & Dolphin tours seasonally.